Child Find

Yavapai Accommodation School District
Special Education Department
Phone: 928-759-8126 Fax: 928-759-8136

It is the Districts’ responsibility to inform the general public and all parents of our responsibility to make available special education services for students with disabilities aged 3 through 21 years, and how to access those services. We are responsible for identifying, locating, & evaluating all Students in these age ranges.

In addition, we have the responsibility to provide information regarding early intervention services for children birth through 2 years. We are responsible for referring children from birth through 2 years of age to Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) for evaluation and appropriate services. The Administration of our District is the contact for children birth through 2 years. Children birth through 2 years of age who are receiving early intervention services and will be participating in preschool programs for children with disabilities will be assured of a smooth transition into that program.

We will ensure that:

Transition conferences for children aged 2 years, 6 months to 2 years, 9 months will be held

By the child’s 3rd birthday an Individual Education Program (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) will be developed and implemented

For the child who turns 3 during the summer, the IEP team will determine the date for services to begin including eligibility for Extended School Year (ESY) services

The District is also responsible for providing a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) which includes special education and related services to children with disabilities at public expense, under public supervision and direction, and without charge to the parents. For all new students to the district, the classroom teacher will complete screening activities within 45 days of enrollment. The teacher will look at the child’s ability in the areas of academics, vision, hearing, adaptive, communication, social/emotional and motor skills. If any concerns are noted the child may be referred for additional support.

If you have any concerns about a child that you know, please contact your individual school site, or Yavapai Accommodation School District Office for more information